Castaway Diva: Episode 9 Recap

Mok-ha and Bo-geol’s relationship hasn’t changed one bit even though 15 years have passed. They still care deeply about each other and the impact that they had on each other’s lives is still clear after all this time. Just like 15 years ago, Bo-geol and Mok-ha will help each other overcome any haunting challenges or struggles from their past.

Castaway Diva Episode 9: Consolation vs. Resolution

Bo-geol pays his father a surprise visit at his father’s house. His father is shocked and suspicious of his son and searches for his son’s cell phone only to find that their short conversation had been recorded. Ki-ho’s father is so angry and upset and he returns to his old ways. He hasn’t changed at all. He beats Bo-geol up badly and abuses him repeatedly. But Bo-geol isn’t fazed. He recalls a conversation he had with Mok-ha about what it was like when she lived without her father. How was it? Did she enjoy it? But Mok-ha admits that she didn’t. It wasn’t what she thought it was going to be. She discovered her father’s dead body on the shore and it only made her pity her father. He had a difficult upbringing and took all his anger out on her. Why couldn’t he live happier? Why couldn’t he live differently? Why did he have to take all his anger out on her?

So Bo-geol asks his father the same question. Why can’t his father just be happy and let go of the past? He can move forward and live his life for himself. But Ki-ho’s father has no intentions of doing so. Before exiting, Bo-geol warns his father to leave them alone. He’s recorded evidence of his father’s abuse for the past 15 years and he’s also set up CCTVs all over their house. As for Mok-ha? He better not dare do anything to her or else Bo-geol won’t hold back next time (OHHHHH! There you go, Bo-geol! Protect your girl!). When Bo-geol returns to his car, he breaks down into tears. He also squeezes the recording device that he had hid with him the entire time tightly in his hands. It’s all too much for Bo-geol. 15 years have passed and yet nothing has changed. Ki-ho’s father too is in disbelief but his determination won’t stop. He picks up a smashed can of beer from inside his house with a piece of towel to use as evidence.

Ran-joo cuts ties with Mok-ha. Forget about the 20 million albums. Forget about Mok-ha’s dreams of becoming a singer. Ran-joo’s had enough and she’s going to quit on Mok-ha before Mok-ha can quit on her. Ran-joo had something similar happen to her before when a singer who she had invested in suddenly quit on her so she’s not going to make the same mistake again. Before leaving, Ran-joo is handed a key from Mok-ha who claims that her mother wanted her to have it. Ran-joo isn’t sure what the key is for.

Mok-ha goes out for a walk for some fresh air and she encounters a random couple who recognizes her and demands for a photo. Mok-ha isn’t in the greatest mood and her mood sours even more when she overhears the couple talk badly about her behind her back. So while she confronts the couple, Bo-geol – who was picked up by Woo-hak in his car – witnesses the scene unfold and he comes to Mok-ha’s protection. The couple quickly back off and delete the photos thanks to Woo-hak. Mok-ha freaks out when she sees all the scars and bruises on Bo-geol’s face so they all head home to treat the scars. Bo-geol’s acting doesn’t last for long so he eventually comes clean about visiting his biological father. He recorded more evidence as a result and he warned his father about all the evidence that he’s compiled over the years. Though Woo-hak is frustrated and upset and believes that their father doesn’t feel threatened, Bo-geol feels differently. Their father is someone who feeds off of his reputation; he won’t risk a visit to the police so easily. Woo-hak storms off to his bedroom while Bo-geol stays behind with Mok-ha in the living room. Daddy Kang overhears the conversation playing out in the living room.

Though Bo-geol seemed so confident at first, he’s actually uncertain and unsure about it all. He’s not so sure how things are going to shake out; he’s not so sure how he’s going to react to his father if he sees him again next time. Mok-ha reassures Bo-geol that nothing will happen. She’ll make sure nothing happens. She gives him a hug and reiterates that it’s all over. Everything will be okay (I’M CRYINGGGG. I love them both so much).

Ran-joo brings her mother back to the nursing home safely. Though her mother recognizes her as her daughter, Ran-joo is slightly disappointed when her mother asks her about her concert. The road to recovery will take a while. Afterwards, Ran-joo is picked up by Manager Park. On the drive to CEO Lee’s place, Ran-joo justifies her actions with Mok-ha. Mo-rae was able to do it and she succeeded. She needed to cut ties with Mok-ha so that Mok-ha could learn to stop putting others before her. If she doesn’t, she’ll eventually end up like Manager Park. So Manager Park recalls the period in his life when he also once aspired to become a singer. While CEO Lee was more in support of Mo-rae, Ran-joo was invested in Manager Park and supported him in becoming a singer. But he eventually gave up and followed CEO Lee’s suggestion of becoming a manager instead.

Fast forward to the present and Ran-joo chats with CEO Lee about the termination of her contract. She approves in moving forward with terminating it. Speaking of contracts, Mok-ha calls CEO Lee and inquires about the offer that he presented to her last time. It seems like RJ Entertainment is the company she’s interested in. Hmm. The next morning, Mok-ha gets ready for the day and she’s reminded of Ran-joo at every small thing. Whether it’s trying out new skincare products or eating breakfast, it’s clear Mok-ha misses her mentor. But thankfully, there’s Bo-geol who accompanies Mok-ha for some breakfast. Woo-hak assumes Mok-ha is eating breakfast alone so he heads upstairs with his food. But he turns around when he sees that his brother and Mok-ha are enjoying breakfast together.

Ki-ho’s father meets up with a detective acquaintance and hands over the smashed beer can from the other night. He requests for his acquaintance to run fingerprint scans on the can. When asked why, Ki-ho’s father claims that the culprit can be found guilty for.. identity theft (AHHH I’M SCREAMING! Why is this so terrifying…). Speaking of Ki-ho’s father, Woo-hak continues his investigation on Dae-woong’s car accident. He learns from Young-ju that the date of the car accident happened on April 4 so he checks his car’s dash cam footage for any recordings from April. Although he doesn’t find anything from that date, he doesn’t lose any hope. Woo-hak inquires for support from his boss who then reaches out to a contact on potentially restoring deleted data.

CEO Lee meets with some employees about Ran-joo and Mok-ha’s contract as well as an upcoming showcase before his meeting with Mok-ha. It’s obvious he’s not invested in Mok-ha; instead of pairing her up with a composer, he would rather she choose a song to perform at the showcase from their archives instead. So when Mok-ha comes in for her meeting with CEO Lee, Ran-joo is also present. Mok-ha reveals that she changed her mind about CEO Lee’s offer because well.. She wanted to prove a point to a certain somebody about how she’s not weak. So Mok-ha listens to all of the songs in the archives that weren’t good enough to make it onto any actual albums and there’s one song in particular that sticks out to her. But the composer of the song isn’t so kind and Mok-ha isn’t granted permission to sing it for the showcase. Why? Because the composer knows her well and feels like she’s obnoxious, lol.

Mok-ha shares about the song while eating breakfast with the Kang family the next morning. Daddy Kang leaves early for his flower arrangement class and Woo-hak isn’t interested in listening to the song that Mok-ha likes. When Mok-ha arrives at RJ Entertainment headquarters later that day, she connects the dots and realizes that it’s Manager Park who composed the song that she liked. He seems jealous of her and how things worked out for her because he too went through something similar to her. Unlike Mok-ha, he gave up. But Mok-ha won’t give up and she spends all day and night rewriting the lyrics to Manager Park’s song. Bo-geol notices Mok-ha’s hardworking behavior and he takes a photo of Mok-ha’s lyrics to the song. He also meets with Ran-joo to ask for a favor and reveals his identity to her as Ki-ho.

Mok-ha presents Manager Park with her lyrics to his song. Manager Park is frustrated at first. She should just give up. The songs in their archives are songs that were rejected by other artists; they’re worthless and bad. But Mok-ha doesn’t want to give up. She has no regrets and even if she failed, she would learn from these failures. So Manager Park gives in and he permits Mok-ha to sing his song.

Ran-joo stays with CEO Lee at his place and has a special request about the termination form for her contract. She’ll sign the form after the upcoming showcase. So with that, she returns to practicing her song while playing the keyboard. While Ran-joo practices playing on the keyboard, Mok-ha practices playing her song on her guitar. But she’s interrupted by a visit from Bo-geol who has some suggestions on how to improve the song. The ideas and notes are actually from Ran-joo which she doesn’t want Mok-ha to know about so that Mok-ha can put herself first for once. So Bo-geol does the rest by communicating Ran-joo’s feedback and notes to Mok-ha and together, the pairing practice the new and improved song. When it’s time for the showcase, Mok-ha performs the song in front of RJ Entertainment staff and artists. Mo-rae doesn’t enjoy the performance but Manager Park is moved to tears while watching Mok-ha perform. Ran-joo watches proudly from her seat. She’ll sign the termination contract with RJ Entertainment under one condition: she gets to produce Mok-ha’s album.

It’s a race to see who gets caught first. The deleted footage from the dash cam in Woo-hak’s car is retrieved and he watches the recording from April 4. He was following his biological father that day so he parked inside of the structure of the building that his father works at. And sure enough, the dash cam captured footage of his father setting up some hornets in Dae-woong’s car that led to the accident. Woo-hak brings this to the attention of police officers but it seems as if it might take some time before the actual investigation can begin. Meanwhile, Ki-ho’s father meets with the same detective acquaintance about the fingerprint scans. Sure enough, the results conclude that the fingerprints belong to someone else which proves Ki-ho’s father’s points. Those fingerprints belong to his son, Ki-ho, so if his name didn’t pop up, then that means that he must have stolen someone’s identity. And once again, we’re shown the river that had appeared a few times in the drama when talks of a missing family came up. Two village farmers are concerned about the drought that’s causing the river to dry up. They also notice what looks like a vehicle hidden in the river. Uh-oh.

Woo-hak discovers his father exiting from a floral shop and grows confused. He thought his father had been taking floral arrangement classes but he’s actually been buying the flowers the entire time? Daddy Kang feels uneasy and admits that he has something to tell his son. Hmm. Bo-geol is on his way home when he receives a special request from Mok-ha to buy some dumpling soup. So he takes a detour to go to the restaurant and waits in a very long line. But something feels off and his gut instincts tell him to check the cameras at home. And sure enough, Bo-geol finds his biological father at his house with Mok-ha and his mom. He rushes out of the line and back into his car. At the house, Mok-ha and Mommy Kang are terrified of Ki-ho’s father. He’s angry at Mok-ha for lying to him about not living with Bo-geol or Woo-hak but Mok-ha cuts straight to the point. What exactly is it that he wants? Why did he come there?

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